Saturday, June 22, 2013

Salt Lake City - Day 3

Today was a low-key kind of day.  We took our time getting up in the morning, then we took Ethan to baseball camp.  Stan, Nikki and I decided to go do something around town.  We weren't quite sure what, so we drove around the university and downtown for awhile, but I really wanted to get out and do something.

We ended up going to a farm that I remember going to when I was little called Wheeler Historical Farm.  It is now a state park and it is a former farm from the late 1800s, early 1900s with the old farm house, farm equipment, and even had farm animals.  It was nice to walk around and imagine what life was probably like back in the olden days.  It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed just hanging out.


Her favorite things on the farm were the bunnies.

After the farm, we headed back towards the university, but it was not quite time to pick up Ethan, so we went to The Corner Bakery and got a cookie and a drink and I took advantage of the Wifi and blogged a little (It's amazing how much you miss it when you don't have it!)

That night, Stan, Ethan and I were going to go to the Salt Lake Bees game.  It's the AAA team for the Angels and Nikki went to Margie's for a sleep over.  We got stuck in traffic going to the game.  I couldn't believe how many people were going there.  Then, when we got to the stadium, we discovered that there is no parking!  You have to park in the neighborhoods around the stadium, but half of them had no parking signs out front.  So we drove around, found a spot to park and walked quite a ways (of course the game had already started by then), only to find out that they were sold out!  Major bummer.  

So, on to plan B.  We decided to go look around a store they have in Sandy called Scheels.  If you've never heard of it, it's kind of like a combination of Dick's Sporting Goods and Bass Pro Shop on steroids.  It's huge.  There are restaurants and even a ferris wheel in the store.  So we wandered Scheels and of course, Ethan's radar goes straight to the baseball section.  He looked around and pitched some balls in the simulator.

Then we went and looked for quite awhile at the gun and hunting section.  Wasn't quite my cup of tea, but I watched Duck Dynasty on the TVs around the section while the boys window shopped.  

Going home from Scheels, we got stuck in traffic again.  This time it was from the professional soccer game at that stadium just down the street. The game was over and thousands of people were walking across the street to their cars.   Apparently, there is no parking for that stadium either.  Salt Lake really needs to learn that parking structures are a good thing, especially when building an arena that seats thousands of people.

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