Monday, June 10, 2019

Tibial What?

Before June 1, 2019, I had never heard of a tibial plateau.  Granted, anatomy has never been my strong suit, and I've heard of a tibia, but I wasn't able to tell you if it was located in the arm or the leg.

June 1 was the date of Nikki's graduation party.  I'd been planning it for awhile and had every detail thought through.  If you know me, I'm an organizer and enjoy doing that sort of thing.  I wanted the day to be very special for her.  I actually woke up at 4:30 that morning, thinking about all that needed to be done.  I worked all day cleaning and decorating.  Stan cleaned up the yard and Ethan ran errands for me.  Everything was going smoothly and I was actually ahead of schedule for the day.  So much so that I thought a nap would do me good, since I had woken up so early that morning.  I tried to nap, but couldn't sleep, so I got up to decorate some more.

I was trying to hang the backdrop for her photo booth.  It was above the kitchen window.  At first, I stood on the kitchen chair.  Not being a tall person, the chair wasn't sufficient.  I thought about grabbing a ladder, but they are all the way in the garage.  The barstools are right next to me, so hey, let's use that!  I stood on the barstool and finished decorating above the window. The stool was sturdy and did its job.  But, having so much on my mind, and probably a bit tired, I had forgotten that I was standing on the bar stool and was thinking I was still on the chair.  I stepped down.  The floor was not there.  All I can remember about that is in slow motion, falling to the ground, hitting my head, and then asking myself if I was still conscious.  I was, so I yelled for Stan, who was in the other side of the house napping himself.  He didn't answer, so I stood up and discovered I couldn't stand or walk, so I hopped on one foot to my phone and texted Stan.  Still no answer.  I then texted Nikki, who was in her room.  No immediate answer, so I hopped into my bedroom and collapsed on my bed.  A few seconds later both Stan and Nikki came running in.

Looking at my legs while in bed, my right leg looked to me as if it had been dislocated.  It was swollen as well.  Stan told me he didn't think it was dislocated and the kneecap looked good.  I could barely move my leg and I was in a lot of pain.  I was only thinking I landed on my knee and bruised it good.  Stan insisted I go to urgent care, but I just wanted to stay to finish getting ready for the party.  He had Ethan take me to urgent care and assured me that he and Nikki would get everything done.
My knees while in waiting room.  The one on the left is the injured one.  You can see the swelling.  If you looked at it from my angle, it also looked crooked. 

Ethan and I got into the car and drove to the urgent care that we have gone to for years.  By this time, I'm crying in pain and anxious to get some relief...a brace, maybe some pain meds.  We fill out the forms and the receptionist says they don't take our new insurance.  Great.  So Ethan helps me hobble back into the car and starts driving. I call another urgent care, and another.  Nobody is taking our insurance.  I thought about the ER, but I knew there would be a long wait and I didn't have time for that.  I called another urgent care and there was a 3 hour wait.  I lost it at that point.  I was in pain and I had to get ready for the party.  Finally Stan calls and found one that took our insurance with no wait, so we headed there.

At the urgent care, we got in right away.  The PA came in and talked to me.  He said all he could really do was Xray it, but it wouldn't show any tissue damage or anything.  I declined, saying I had to go, but if he could secure it in a brace, I'd be thankful.  He said he wasn't comfortable just sending me home and that he'd really like it X-rayed, but assured me that there was no wait for that so I reluctantly agreed.    They took me in and I was torchured while the tech was straightening and bending my knee, but she got some good photos.   As I waited back in the room, the PA came in and said that he saw something he wanted the radiologist to look at and that I needed to hang on 10-15 minutes.

When the PA came in he explained to be that I fractured my tibial plateau in multiple places.  I remember asking, "the tibial what?"  He drew me a picture.  (in very simple terms)The femur is the larger thigh bone and the tibia is the shin bone that runs from your ankle up to your knee cap.  The very top of the tibia that is behind your knee is like a plateau.  He said there were small fractures on that plateau.  He gave me a brace and told me to not put any weight on the leg and to call the orthopedist first thing on Monday.  I remember asking him how sure he was of that diagnosis because I was going to Hawaii in less than a month and I couldn't have a broken leg.  He said he was very sure and unfortunately walks on the beach were not going to be happening. I denied pain meds (they make me feel sick to my stomach) and headed back home for the party, trying to keep from crying.

When Ethan and I arrived home, we had a house full of people parents, my sister, and her husband and kids, all pitching in to help Stan and Nikki decorate and set up.  That was something I learned that night...I need to let go.  Things may not always be what I have planned, but they will work out and everything will be OK.

The party went on.  Not quite as planned, but Nikki had a good time and she had many friends and family come to support her.   I made it through most of the party before needing to go in and elevate my leg.  I wasn't the best hostess, as I couldn't greet the visitors, but everyone understood.

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