Friday, July 7, 2017


We started off our second day in Georgia with a good breakfast.  We had found a cute little patisserie in the Marietta Square yesterday, so we headed there.  It was a beautiful morning, and we ate outside The food was excellent.  I tried an authentic quiche, which was much better than I had expected.

After breakfast, we had decided to spend the day in downtown Atlanta.  Stan really wanted to go to The World of Coca Cola, so we went there first.  Let me say, people in Phoenix shouldn't complain about traffic.  It is HORRIBLE here in Atlanta.  It seemed like accidents were everywhere and the drivers are aggressive (not mean, just aggressive). After a rough ride downtown, we arrived.

The World of Coca Cola is like a museum to tell about the history of Coke. When you get there, they give you a can of your choice of Coke, and then you go into a room where a guide tells you a little history.

After the introduction, you are ushered into a theater.  I was expecting it to be a movie about the history of the product.  Instead it was a 6 minute long commercial. 

Then you are welcome to explore.  I think that unless you are a die hard Coca Cola fan, if you ever come to Atlanta, you can skip this attraction.  I felt like the whole thing was a giant Coke advertisement.  The day we were there, the tasting room was closed due to water issues, so we couldn't taste the different Coke products from around the world.

My favorite part of the tour was the art room.
These bottles were designed by local artists.

Outside the museum is a big courtyard.  The aquarium is there as well as the Museum of Civil Rights.    It was very pretty.

After the Coke Museum, we went to the Atlanta Botanical Garden.  I am a member of the Desert Botanical Garden, so we were able to get in free. It was very beautiful, but here is where we felt the humidity.  By the end of our walk, we were sweaty and sticky.  But it was very worth it and I'm glad we went.  Here are a few photos from that visit.

While we enjoyed our day, we were hungry and tired.  We wanted to get out of the city, so we drove back to Marietta for a lunch at the Australian Bakery, where we had some very good sandwiches with the best bread.  Then we went home, showered, and rested up.  Stan and I are getting ready to head to the airport to pick up Ethan.  We are so glad he will be joining us at least for a few days.  Tomorrow, we hit the road again, heading to North Carolina.  

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