Tuesday, August 27, 2019

13 weeks

My injury happened 13 weeks ago and surgery 12 weeks ago.  Almost the entire three months, I was not allowed to place any weight on my right leg.  It's slowly gotten better and I've been doing leg lifts and bending my knee, but that's it.  My mode of transportation has mainly been my seated scooter, as hopping on one foot is hard on the entire body.  Two weeks ago, I was given the blessing to start putting weight on my "bad" leg, at least walking with crutches.   Since then, I've been really working hard at trying walk.  It's been very painful on my ankle because my quad muscles have atrophied so much.

I went for another check up with my surgeon today. He said knee-wise, my X-rays looked beautiful.  The only thing keeping me from returning to work now is my weak muscles.  He told me two more weeks of PT to work on walking without crutches. I also need to be able to bend/squat down and get up off the floor.  Things I used to take for granted.  So, for the next two weeks, I am going to work hard so I can go back to work!

Here is a photo of my knee today.  You can see the scar is looking good.  You can see a bump near the scar.  That's actually my plate sticking out. I have a plate with 8 screws sticking through my bone!  It still grosses me out to look at it.  My PT says it should go down a little bit as I heal.  My quad muscles look almost non-existent but it's hard to tell from that photo.

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